Positive birth Stories
Aimme's Story

Sarah's Story

Emma's Story
Thursday 26th August – 5pm ish had dull contraction after getting back from Leam shopping, had a couple more then tailed off after some toast
10pm waters gently broke in bed at home
Phoned hospital and went in to check, confirmed waters broken and booked in to be induced next day at 10pm if nothing progressed naturally
Friday 27th August – Headed to hospital for 10pm
Went onto ward and Tom left late evening, was told I’d stay in for monitoring now until I had baby, not much happened overnight
Saturday 28th August – Tom back to hospital at 11.30am
Started having contractions but not regular yet, didn’t need pessary as I was 1-2cm dilated already
Lots of back rubs when having contractions, held onto end of bed and stood up as much as I could as the pain seemed less than if lying down, drank lucozade energy, water and snacks when I felt like it
Managed pain with paracetamol, codeine and had a warm deep bath. Bath didn’t help and I had a contraction in there straight away
Got out bath and back onto heart rate monitor machine
5/5.30 ish was 4-6cm dilated and labour ward was called to say we were coming down.
Edie’s heart rate dropped massively to 50 and didn’t return to normal straight away. Lots of people rushed in and I was petrified of losing her and just cried, the midwives were amazing and assured me everything would be ok
Rushed down to labour room 7, straight on the monitor and Edie’s heart rate returned to normal, what a panic that was
Had hormone drip to regulate and intensify contractions. Started at 0.6ml, went up to 1.2ml, then up to 2.4ml. Was very intense and strong contractions on 2.4ml, lowered to 1.2ml again for a bit. Had gas and air for pain relief which helped for a while, then had pethidine injection which didn’t feel like it did anything. I needed more pain relief so asked for an epidural, was told Dr’s were very busy and it would be a wait so paperwork was left with us. I didn’t get the epidural before it was time to push so found something inside me to just realise she would be here very soon if I concentrated and focused on what I needed to do.
Sunday 29th August – 1.52am after some pushing for around 1-2 hours Edie Jean Whyte arrived
Her head took a while to push out, kept popping in and out as contractions came and went. Then felt her shoulders come out and the midwife turn her. The rest of her body slid out. It took a few backs rubs and a pat from the midwife and we heard a cry. The sense of relief was just indescribable and something I will never ever forget. Edie was then wrapped up and was placed on me.
Cord was left a while and then clamped, Tom cut it and then did skin to skin with Edie
I was given an injection in my leg to get the placenta out and with a gentle push, it was out
I had a 2nd degree tear but didn’t want to be stitched after having so many drugs and pain, I just wanted to be left alone. The midwife who came round the next day agreed this was probably the best decision so I’m glad I made that one.
Edie had her first bottle after being cleaned up and I was happy that breastfeeding wasn’t pushed on me as it’s not something I wanted for us
Edie had to go under the heat lamp for a bit as she got a little chilly
Tom had to go home in the morning, I had tea and the best toast ever!!
Lots of obs, top to toe check, and Edie was absolutely fine and so was I, we’d done it!
12.30ish we got to leave hospital and go home that very same day.

Anna's Story

I had a planned caesarean due to concerns over baby’s size. I made this decision to ensure that I had control of my birthing experience.
On the day, we got to the hospital for 7:30 and were signed in. We then had a bit of a wait to discuss our preferences with the midwife and the surgical team. They were so accommodating!
We had a long wait due to being last on the list – but went in about 1:30. It was a bizarre experience just walking into theatre and sitting on an operating table! My husband was able to stay with me for pretty much every step of the way – even despite COVID. During the spinal, I used my breathing to stay calm and it was not as bad as I thought it would be! After laying down on the heated (!) table, I noticed a Santa poster on the wall opposite me, this will be one of my lasting memories – absolutely not what you expect to see in theatre!!
When inserting the catheter, the midwife was amazing at respecting my privacy. They made a point of ensuring that only necessary people were on the business end. The surgeon even went to walk round and was told to step back 😂 The anaesthetist talked me through each step of the process and baby was born a matter of minutes later. They dropped the screen for his birth, which was amazing!
We were able to have our own playlist on during theatre. Baby was born to ‘The Scientist’ by Coldplay. We requested delayed cord clamping and immediate skin to skin. Baby was checked over, but not wiped down or washed immediately after birth, and Dad cut the cord, skin to skin was then able to happen. Initially during our conversations, we asked for dimmed lighting and were told that this could not happen. However, when in theatre, the scrub nurse offered to turn off any unnecessary lights from the birth onwards – this was after reading our printed birth plan which was kept with our notes – amazing!
I was only separated from my husband and baby for the final part of the operation where they moved me onto another bed etc. During this time, probably about 5 mins, my husband had skin to skin with Baby. In recovery, skin to skin with myself resumed.
I was later separated from my husband but not Baby whilst being transported onto the ward – due to COVID my husband was not allowed to go through the staff corridors – he was actually up on the ward before me though 😂
We were able to go home the next day and recovery was FAR better than I could’ve imagined!